About Lombok Island

Lombok island extent of one-third of the Sumbawa island. However, residents of West Nusa Tenggara which amounted to more than three million, two-thirds live on the island of Lombok. This happens because the more fertile island of Lombok Island Sumbawa. Lombok Island residents are Sasak they are mostly Muslim. Lombok is an island in the Lesser Sunda Islands or Nusa Tenggara are separated by the Lombok Strait of Bali in the west and the Alas Strait to the east of Sumbawa. The island is roughly circular in shape with a sort of "tails" on the southwest side of a length of approximately 70 kilometers. The breadth of the island is 4,725 kilometers (slightly smaller than Bali). The main town on the island is Mataram city, as well as the provincial capital.Lombok including West Nusa Tenggara province and the island itself is divided into three districts and one city : Mataram municipality to the capital Mataram, West Lombok district with the capital Gerung, Central Lombok district with the capital Praya and East Lombok district with the capital Selong.

Contents :
1. History Lombok Island
2. Lombok Attractions
3. How to get to Lombok
4. Lombok Indonesia Things to do
5. Lombok Tourism Map


History on the Lombok Island

Selaparang kingdom is one of the oldest kingdom ever growing and developing on the island of Lombok, even touted as an embryo which later gave birth to kings Lombok past. Proven naming the island is also often referred to as Earth's Selaparang or in known locally as Gumi Selaparang. The origin At least there are three opinions about the origin of the kingdom Selaparang.

First : 
Mentioned that the kingdom of this area is the continuation of the oldest kingdoms in the island of Lombok, the "kingdom of Lae village" which allegedly is located in the district of East Lombok Sambalia area. After a few years, people in this kingdom move and build a new empire called royal Pamatan and allegedly location of the kingdom is in the village of Sembalun. And when Mount Rinjani erupted, the inhabitants of this kingdom moved into several areas that ultimately marked the end of this kingdom. Betara Indra then set up a new kingdom called Kingdom of Suwung which is located at the north Perigi. After the expiry of this kingdom then emerging  kingdom Selaparang Lombok.

Second :
Lombok mentioned that after the kingdom was destroyed by the army of Majapahit, Raden Maspahit fled into the woods and after majapahit soldiers returning home to their regions. Raden Maspahit build a new empire called Batu Parang which became known as the Kingdom Selaparang. 

Third : 
Stated that, in the twelfth century, there is a kingdom known as the royal shaft built by a group of migrants from Java under the leadership of King Inopati and since that time the Lombok island is known as Pulau shaft. When the kingdom of Majapahit sends expeditions to the island of Bali in 1443 which is forwarded to the island of Lombok and Dompu in 1357 under the reign of MPU Nala, this expedition to conquer Selaparang (shaft?) And Dompu.

Another Word Origin islands of Lombok and Sasak 

Lombok and Sasak are the two names that cannot be separated. Lombok name for the islands designation, the name for the designation Sasak tribe. Chili derived from Sasak language; "Lomboq" means "straight". Sasak is actually derived from "sak-sak" which means "outrigger boat" However, many people misunderstand. Lombok means "chili" that some interpret the island of Lombok as "spicy island". Whereas chilli in Sasak language is "Sebia" (pronounced "sebie") 

The following story explain the origins of why they are called Lombok and Sasak. Lombok names in a variety of oral and written stories in "takepan lontar" is one name on the island of Lombok. Another name that is frequently mentioned is the island "Meneng" which means "deserted" and some people call "Gumi Sasak", or "Gumi (earth) Selaparang", according to the name of a famous kingdom in Lombok in ancient times namely the kingdom Selaparang.

Name Origin History Lombok 

Lombok Island since the days of the Majapahit kingdom is already famous. This is evident in Negarakertagama book has written by the MPU Prapanca. Negarakertagama found also in Lombok. Sasak legend says that in ancient times, the royal " Mataram kuno" in central Java, led by a king named Pramudawardhani woman married to Rakai Pikatan. It was said that the Empress is an expert in the government, while the husband was an expert in warfare. His power to the west to Sumatra Island, to the east to the island of Flores. When that many people Mataram go sailing eastward through the Java Sea using outrigger boat.

Their goal for the sailing is not known for certain. There is some reason they are to expand the powers or avoid heavy work, because at that time the Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple and Kalasan Temple being built by the king. So they sail directly to the east and landed at the port. And then the port given the name Lomboq (straight) to commemorate their long journey to the east. Subsequently, Lomboq not only be the name of the port where the ship landed, but also the name of the island Lomboq which later turned into Lombok. They sail in outrigger boat called "sak-sak," and people called them Sak Sak means people who arrive by boat. And then, they mingle with the natives. At that moment, on the island of Lombok has a kingdom called the kingdom Kedarao (perhaps now Sembalun and Sambelia)

They then established a kingdom centered in Labuhan Lombok Lombok right now. Lombok be great kingdom, which thrive in five centuries, to be known throughout the country as a port visited by businesspeople from Tuban, Gresik, Makassar, Banjarmasin, Ternate, Tidore, even Malacca. If coming to Lombok, people from Malacca to buy rice, indigo, and Sepang timber. 

the Lombok kingdom was then defeated by the Majapahit kingdom. The king and queen fled to the mountains and established a new kingdom named Watu parang that became known by name of the Selaparang kingdom. Lomboq name of changed into Lombok, and name of-Sak Sak turned into Sasak is not known for certain. What is clear now knew as the island of Lombok and his tribe knew as the Sasak tribe. Selaparang name already immortalized as a street name of and name of the protocol airfield in Mataram, the capital of West Nusa Tenggara province.


Lombok Attractions

There are many tourist attractions in Lombok that are preferred for a vacation, along with the development of social media many sights in Lombok increasingly crowded in the visit, other tourist spots are beginning to be explored, what was once hidden and exotic  to be favorite destination. Lombok offers a variety of natural beauty and culture that has always attracted the attention of travelers, be it beaches, islands, waterfalls, mountains, hills and traditional villages. These attractions are scattered throughout the island of Lombok and has a beauty and uniqueness. Even in TripAdvisor, Lombok island becoming one of the most favorite island travel in Asia in 2016, Lombok island in ranked 5th while a small island of Gili Trawangan are ranked 6th in with several tourists to Lombok about two million visits.Here are some list of tourist attractions located in Lombok: 

Tourist Attraction in West Lombok 

Pura Batu Bolong 
This historical temple was founded in 1533 on a black stone.
Location : on the road Raya Senggigi Km. 7 

Pure Meru 
Hindu Temple in Lombok built in 1720.
Location : Jl. Selaparang, Cakranegara. 

Old temple was founded in 1714.
Location : Village Lingsar, District Narmada. 

Gili Kedis 
This small island is unique because it has a shape likes a symbol of "love".
Location : Medang Desa Sekotong Sub-District 

Gili Nanggu 
This small island inhabited by thousands of species of fish, a paradise for lovers of snorkeling.
Location : Village Medang, District Sekotong 

Gili Sudak 
Want to enjoy the tourist attractions in Lombok with the beauty of small islands and the sea was very calm as a lake with white sand and inhabited by various species of fish, turtles and coral menajubkan come to this island, the facilities of the island is quite complete because there are hotels and restaurants.
Location: Village Medang, District Sekotong 

Gili Gede 
The beauty of the island with a stunning beach. 
Location: Village Medang, District Sekotong. 

Gili Asahan 
Besides being a place for snorkeling, Gili Asahan become a favorite location for divers because it has underwater natural beauty so natural. 
Location: Sekotong 

Gili Layar 
underwater paradise with a stunning expanse of blue coral.
Location: Village Medang, District Sekotong. 

Senggigi beach 
Center of tourism in NTB 
Location: Jl. Raya Senggigi Km. 8 

Nambung beach 
Beside offering a beautiful view of the uniqueness of this beach is the pounding of the waives towards the rocks so it's like a waterfall, Nambung also known as waterfall salty. 
Location: Buwun Mas District of Sekotong 

Mekaki beach 
Location: Village Mekaki District of Sekotong. 

Bangko-Bangko beach 
Malignancy waives at this beach is so high that this coastal region into a destination for foreign surfers. Not only Bangko-Bangko beach is also known as a location  for fishing 
Location: village of Batu Putih subdistrict Sekotong. 

Taman Narmada 
Ancient royal garden was founded in 1727.
Location: Jl. Ahmad Yani, Lembuak, Narmada. 

the village as a center of pottery were exported to several countries. 
Location: Kediri district Banyumulek 

Forest Sesaot 
protected forest which covers 5,000 hectares and has about 40 springs, many tourist activities that can be done in this place as cycling around the forest, bathing in  cold water, trekking and camping. 
Location: Village Sesaot District of Narmada 

Location: Forest area Sesaot Narmada 

Stone Blooms Lingsar 
The appeal of this place is fast river flow is flanked by stone with views of rice fields and lush green hills, this place for white water rafting locations. 
The location in the village of Batu subdistrict Mekar Lingsar 

Niagara Timponan 
Location: Forest Zone Sesaot Narmada district. 

Niagara Kumbi 
The waterfall is not very well known because not many tourists who try to see beauty, but this place is the location for those who love cycling along the dense forest  with big trees around. 
Location: Hamlet Kumbi, district Sempaga Narmada Valley Village

Tourist Attraction in North Lombok 

Gili Trawangan 
Small island knew as the most exotic in the world with the complete facilities, ranging from diving courses, snorkeling, kayaking, nightlife, restaurants, hotels, villas all have a diverse class. 
Location: Gili Indah village, district. Pemenang 

Gili Meno 
Want to add to the romantic atmosphere of your holiday, Gili Meno is known as the best destination for honeymoon. 
Location: Gili Indah village, district. Pemenang 

Gili Air 
The location Gili Indah village, district.Pemenang 

Mount Rinjani 
Active volcanoes with an altitude of 3,726 m above sea level. 

Mount Malimbu 
A beautiful view with a stretch of hills, valleys and beaches. 
Location: Melaka village, district. Pemenang 

Bukit Nipah 
Interesting place for hunting sunset with the background of Mount Agung Bali and 3 Gili. 
Location: Melaka village, district. Pemenang 

Forests Pusuk 
Protected forests are inhabited by thousands of monkeys. 
Location: West Pemenang 

Sire beach 
Beaches that have calm waves and white sand, the location of some of the super luxury hotel.
Location: Jl. Sire Beach, Desa Sigar Penjalin, District of Tanjung. 

Bayan Old Mosque 
Largest Islamic civilization and is the first mosque in Lombok which was built in the 17th century and until today still retains its architectural style from the outset in the wake. 
The location: Bayan village excl. Bayan. 

Pandanan Beach 
The white sandy beach with beautiful panoramic scenes, here we can try culinary ie grilled fish Lombok. 
Location: Melaka village, district. Pemenang. 

Niagara Sekeper 
The highest waterfall in NTB with a height of 115 M dropped about 5,000 liters of water per second, the tourist attractions in Lombok is relatively new and how to achieve it should be with trekking and use the services of local guides as being in the jungle foothills of Mount Rinjani. 
Location: Village Santong district. Kayangan 

Tiu Ngumbak 
Location: Village Gumantar Kayangan districts. 

Sendang Gile 
Tiered waterfall with a height of 30 meters, is under the northern foot of Mount Rinjani, Senaru village, Bayan district. 

Waterfall Tiu Kelep 
The most famous waterfall with a height of 40 meters 
Location: Senaru village, Bayan district. 

Waterfall Stage 
Location: Hamlet Opong unvarying, Bangkol Sambik Village, District Ganges. 

Waterfall Tiu Pupus 
This waterfall has a height of about 50 m with a depth of 4 m and an area of ​​100 sq m. 
Location: Hamlet Kerurak, Genggaleng village, district Ganges. 

Niagara Penimbung Torean 
A hiking trail to Mount Rinjani through Torean. 

Waterfall Tiu Teja 
Waterfall Tiu Teja altitude of about 40 meters by 10 meters wide 
Location: Village Santong, District Kayangan. 

Niagara Kerta Ganges 
Waterfall located at the top of the cliff and the other in the cave, situated at Kertaraharja, Genggelang Village, District Ganges. 

Tourist Attraction in Central Lombok 

Kuta beach 
The white sandy beach. 
Location: Kuta Village, District Pujut. 

Sade village 
Indigenous villages that still maintain the culture and lifestyle of the Lombok tribal 
Location: Village Rembitan, Pujut. 

Tanjung Aan 
The beach which has the two forms of sand like pepper and flour 
Location: Kuta Lombok village, district. Pujut. 

Batu Payung 
The beach is not sand and have a rock with an unique shape 
Location: village of Kuta Lombok, District Pujut. 

Selong Belanak 
Long white sandy beach 1 Km, crowded in the visit by European travelers 
Location: Village Selong Belanak, district. Praya Barat. 

Seger beach 
The beach is beautiful with rolling hills and has a legend. 
Location: village of Kuta Lombok, District Pujut. 

Mawun beach 
White sandy beaches and calm wave, plus a view of the hills shaped gate. 
Location: Village Batch, District Pujut. 

Village Sukarare 
Traditional village artisans songket 
Location: Village Sukarara District of Jonggat. 

Gerupuk beach 
If you like surfing, this coastal regions also have a high waves of adrenalin. 
Location: Village Grupuk. 

Semeti beach 
The beach which has the form of rocks like Planet Crypton, 
Location: located in the village Mekarsari, King Mountain Regions, districts Pujut. 

Bukit Tunak 
A natural park area of ​​1,200 hectares of hills extending to the Indian Ocean. 
Location: Village Mertak, District Pujut. 

Benang Kelambu 
Being in a higher location of Benang Stokel, this waterfall as the curtains were exposed to gusts of wind.  
location : Village Yarn Stokel excl. North keliang stone. 

Tourist Attraction in East Lombok 

Pink beach 
the coastal area which has pink sand. 
Location: Village Sekaroh, sub Jerowaru. 

Sand Island 
The small island that appears depends on the wind direction. 
Location: Desa Tanjung subdistrict Affairs Keruak. 

Gili Petelu 
The small island has a two beaches. 
Location: Village Sekaroh, sub Jerowaru. 

Fairyland at the foot of Mount Rinjani 
 Location: Village Sembalun district. Sembalun. 

Tete Batu 
A tourist village at the foot of Mount Rinjani offers beautiful views of rice fields, hills and the beauty of a peaceful village. 
Location: Village Tete Batu subdistrict. Sikur. 

Gulf Ekas 
Consisting of some choppy bay beach calm and white sand, bay Ekas also be made tourist attractions in Lombok since it has spots for surfing with the height of the waves are quite challenging. 
Location: Village Ekas excl. Jerowaru. 

Village People Beleq Sembalun 
Ancient settlements are made in the origin of the historical sites in the region Sasak Sembalun at an altitude of 1,156 above sea level. 
Location: Sembalun Beleq, excl. Sembalun. 

Gili Kondo 
Small island in the eastern region with white sand and beauty under the sea is still a virgin, but this place into a tourist destination overseas, in this place there is a small inn. 
Location: District Sambelia. 

Tanjung Ringgit 
The beauty of the rugged coast and save history, this location was once used as a fortress japan remaining traces of history such as cannons and caves for storing weapons. 
Location: Village Pamongkang district. Jerowaru. 

Bukit Nanggi 
Besides Rinjani another option to enjoy the beauty of the hills Nanggi try trekking to the hill at an altitude of 2,300 meters above sea level, offers a natural landscape menajubkan. 
Location: Village Sembalun excl. Sembalun. 

Bukit Pergasingan 
You can enjoy the cool mountain atmosphere with a view menajubkan Hill Pergasingan located at an altitude of 1,700 above sea level. 
Location: Village Sembalun excl. Sembalun. 

Tanjung Beloam 
The appeal of this beach over panoramic rock show rock jutting into the sea with the formation of bridges and a turtle conservation area. 
Location: Hamlet Tangsi, Temeak Village, District Jerowaru. 

Gili Sulat 
If you walk along the ocean in between the mangrove forest with a small boat in this place, you will feel likes in the lake because the current is so quiet. 
Location: Village Sambelia, District Sambelia. 

Pantai Tanjung China 
Like other coastal areas around the headland china offers outstanding natural beauty. 
Location: Village Pemokong, district. Jerowaru. 

Kaliantan beach
White sandy beach with an uniquely shaped coastline is a hidden destination that can be visited in Lombok. 
Location: Village Pemongkong, District Jerowaru. 

Surga beach 
Beautiful as its name other than white sandy beach also has a view that is different with other beaches, small islands mound no man's land with sea water looks clear green make it viable as a tourist destination. 
Location: Village Ekas District of Jerowaru. 


How to get to Lombok Island

From Singapore to Lombok

Direct flight take Silk Air or Singapore Airlines from Singapore Changi Airport to Lombok International Airport. 
Flight time: about 2 hours 45 minutes
Total cost from SGD 336

From Malaysia to Lombok

Direct flight take AirAsia from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Lombok International Airport. 
Flight time: about 3 hours 10 minutes
total cost from RM 415

From Australia to Lombok

Direct flight from Perth first take Jetstar from Perth to Ngurah Rai International Airport (Bali). Flight time about 3 hours 40 minutes and then take AirAsia, LionAir or Garuda Indonesia from Ngurah Rai International Airport (Bali) to Lombok International Airport, Flight time about 40 minutes
Total cost from 380 AUD

From Bali to Lombok

If you want to Lombok from Bali, you can use the transport ships and purchase of the tickets are in port. Port Padangbai (Bali) - Port Lembar (Lombok), Service Schedule: Every Day For 24 Hours, Travel time: 4 hours, Ship name : KMP. Roditha, KMP. Portlink II, KMP. Portlink VII, Ticket prices: Adults $ 3.5 and Children $ 2. Lembar harbour phone: +62 370 681209 and Padang Bai harbour phone: +62 363 41849.

Easy to get to Lombok island from Bali with flight ( option for Airlines is Lion Air, Wings Air and Garuda Indonesia ), flight time is only 25 minutes and fares start from around  USD 30 for one way. Buy tickets direct from the airline counters at the domestic airports or via online.Lombok Praya International Airport is the only airport on Lombok. The airport is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes drive from Senggigi, around 40 km south of Mataram city and 25 minutes from Kuta. Airport departure tax is IDR 30.000 for Domestic departures and IDR 100.000 for International departures. Lombok Praya International airport has full Visa on arrival facilities, with efficient and fast processing. 

There are now numerous express boat services operating between Bali and Lombok. Most serve for Gili Trawangan, but several also call at Teluk Nare on mainland Lombok, making fast boats from Lombok to Bali vice versa an option to flying.Taking Fast Boat from Padang Bai Bali to Senggigi Lombok by Marina Srikandi Express Boat.


Lombok Indonesia things to do

Outdoor Activities : Scuba & Snorkeling ,Nature & Wildlife Tours,Hiking & Camping Tours ,Boat Tours,Beaches,Surfing, Windsurfing & Kitesurfing,Eco Tours, Water Sports,Fishing Charters & Tours,Shark Diving ,River Rafting & Tubing.
Nature and Parks : Beaches,Waterfalls,Islands,Mountains,Nature & Wildlife Areas,Hiking Trails,forests
Spas and Wellness : Spas,Yoga & Pilates,Health/Fitness Clubs & Gyms
Sights and Landmarks : Sacred & Religious Sites,Points of Interest & Landmarks,Neighborhoods,Architectural Buildings,Historic Sites,Historic Walking Areas,Lookouts ,Monuments & Statues
Classes and Workshops : Cooking Classes,Lessons and Workshops,Paint and Pottery Studios,Sports Camps and Clinics
Nightlife : Bars and Clubs,Karaoke Bars,Wine Bars
Shopping : Gift  and Specialty Shops ,Antique Stores,Art Galleries,Flea and Street Markets,Shopping Malls.

Lombok Tourism Map

That information about the island of Lombok, consider more complete information on tourism in the island of Lombok in other articles. Happy Holidays.


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